Manon Revel is a PhD candidate in Social and Engineering Systems and Statics at the MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society and a Democracy Doctoral Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. She works at the intersection of computational social choice and political theory to research decentralized governance and the alignment of decision-making processes with democratic principles. Ultimately, Manon hopes to uncover ways to incrementally improve governance in AI systems, democracies, or corporate environments. Following an early passion for journalism, Manon also studied the credibility crisis of traditional media as news migrated to the web. She received her Master’s in Technology and Policy from MIT, Diplôme d’ingénieur (Master’s equivalent) in Applied Mathematics and Bachelor of Engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris. She worked at Bell Labs, Aerospacelab, the Center for Strategic and International Studies and Palantir. Manon has also contributed to the Isolat Covid-19 collaboration.