Alexander “Sasha” Rakhlin
Alexander Rakhlin is a Professor in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and IDSS. His research is in machine learning, with an emphasis on statistics and computation. He is interested in formalizing the process of learning, in analyzing learning models, and in deriving and implementing emerging learning methods. A significant thrust of his research is in developing theoretical and algorithmic tools for online prediction, a learning framework where data arrives in a sequential fashion.
Prof. Rakhlin received his bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and computer science from Cornell University, and doctoral degree from MIT. He was a postdoc at UC Berkeley EECS before joining the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an associate professor in the Department of Statistics and co-director of the Penn Research in Machine Learning (PRiML) center. He was also a Visiting Professor in IDSS’s Statistics and Data Science Center (2016). He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, IBM Research Best Paper award, Machine Learning Journal award, and COLT Best Paper Award.